Book an Appointment with Natural Sound Today

You might live in Boston, or on the North Shore, or the South Shore, or in Lexington, or Andover, or central MA--you get the point: You’re not exactly around the block from us. Your time is valuable, but you also value high quality equipment and high quality service. This article is for you!
As of Monday, July 6th, our doors have been open to customers during our regular business hours. However, there is one thing that we have learned during the past few weeks when we were limited by the Covid rules that were in place: we really liked working with people by appointment!
Even now, we think this is the best option for many of our clients who would like individualized attention from their high-end audio company. When you make an appointment, you will have up to an hour and forty-five minutes with one of our consultants. You will have a room all to yourselves. The nature of social distancing in our shop means strictly one salesperson with a single client or “client group” of two people. (If the room isn’t booked at the end of your allotted time and you need more time, we will give it to you.) Your appointment gives you priority over any walk-ins.
What an opportunity! Let’s say you are in the market for your “last pair of loudspeakers you will ever buy,” you can sit down and compare multiple pairs of speakers without being interrupted. You can do the same with amplifiers, preamps, CD players, etc. You can bring in your own software if you like. You can find out what some of the ‘high-end” tweaks, like Nordost Sort Cones, can do for your system. You can even listen to different speaker cables. By booking your appointment in advance, we can get a demo room ready for you and you can accomplish your goal.
Or, let’s say you have a project in mind for your home, like putting music into four different rooms. You can come in with your plans or pictures of your rooms and talk to us about how to accomplish your goal. Or perhaps your interest is in a good home theater system. Call us, we’ll ask you a few questions and decide which room in our store would be best for listening/watching and we will book your appointment. Or maybe it’s time to talk about outdoor sound, or a new television set, or…well you name it and we’ll see what we can do for you. The appointment gives us a chance to know where your interests lie and prepare for your visit.
So, fill out our online contact form here or give us a call, and we will set up a time and a room just for you! The number hasn’t changed; it’s still 508-879-3556. A reminder, though, that our hours have slightly changed: We now close at 7 PM instead of 8 PM on weekdays and we open an hour earlier on Saturdays at 10 AM instead of 11 AM.
Looking forward to hearing from you!